domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

14-15 Enero

Practique y traduzca la siguiente lectura.

Valentine's Day is a very old holiday. It goes back to the times of Ancient Rome. One of the characters we often see on Valentine's Day is Cupid. He was the son of Venus, the goddess of love. He shoots people with arrows of love. When a man and a woman are hit by his arrows, they will fall in love.
Today people celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14. Men and women who are in love give each other gifts. The most popular gifts include flowers (especially roses) and chocolates. Couples may also go to a restaurant for a very nice dinner or plan something else romantic.
In the United States, Valentine's Day is not just for lovers. Children make special Valentine's cards for their classmates. Families and friends may give candy or other small gifts to each other. It can be a fun day.

Practique la pronunciación y traduzca la siguiente lectura.
Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Some friends come into our lives for just a short time. Others come and stay forever. Think about your closest friends. How long have you known each other? Some people say that their spouse or family member is their best friend. Others say they have known their closest friends for many years. And some great friends haven't known each other all that long, but knew right away that there was a connection, or bond, between them. Could it be that there is a twin spirit out there for each of us?
What turns a stranger or acquaintance into a friend? Do you know right away if you are going to like someone? Some people think that any stranger can become a friend if they spend enough time together. That may be true for some people. But one thing most of us agree on is that true friendships seem to happen when people have something in common. Perhaps we see a part of ourselves in our friends. Maybe seeing the good in them helps us to see the good in us as well.

Se les recuerda organizarse  correctamente para un repaso previo de la obra teatral para el examen final de formación humana

TERCERO BGU- Educación física
Realizar las actividades del texto pag. 48-49 y 53.

15 comentarios:

  1. buenas tardes licen gracias por las tareas

  2. Gracias licenciada
    Primero B.G.U.
    La Merced

  3. CAT: "La Merced"
    Curso: 3ro Industria
    Buenas tardes licen gracias por la tarea

  4. Buenas tardes licenciada gracias por la informacion.
    2do BGU
    Carolina Azuero

  5. Buenas tardes licenciada gracias por la informacion.
    2do BGU
    Carolina Azuero

  6. buenas tardes licen gracias por el deber la merced

  7. Saludos Licen.
    Gracias por la tarea
    Primero Electricidad
    Cat La Merced

  8. Licen buenas gracias por publicar la tarea
    Cat La Merced
    Segundo Técnico

  9. Buenos días licenciada gracias por la tarea,
    Seundo BGU.
    CAT la Merced.

  10. buenas noches licn gracias por la tarea a realizar
